Wednesday, August 1, 2012

Facilitative Supervision Training on August 14 in Davis

We have low enrollments for The Facilitative Supervisor, a special training opportunity with Heather Meitner in Davis on August 14.  Please contact Grace or your training coordinator to register for this class if you are interested.  If you have a schedule conflict but would like to participate later in the year, please let us know that as well so we can schedule another opportunity.

Course description:

The Facilitative Supervisor model promotes improved supervision through a focus on six key practice areas: thinking critically, structuring supervision, coaching learning, managing relationships, adapting approaches and promoting accountability. These practices are not new as supervisors are engaging in all of these practices, but perhaps not with the same level of effort and not all at the same time. The Facilitative Supervisor approach adds a new dimension-that is the direction for why supervisors engage these practices. Through supervision, supervisors facilitate casework practice and the achievement of outcomes for children and families. So, this approach is not just about the "what," but the "why" and "how" of supervision.

Learn about the model, the behavioral anchors that ground the practices, and the professional development approach that focuses on learning circles as the main vehicle for developing supervisor knowledge and skills. We will introduce the dialog structure to guide supervision conversations as well as the multicultural guidelines to enhance communication across difference.

The workshop will offer participants an experience to explore their strengths and needs supervising safety-organized practice in their unit. Come experience learning circle technology as a peer-to-peer, self-directed learning method to carry forward over the next year.

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