The April 17-18 Safety-Organized Practice Reunion taking place here in Davis will be facilitated by Phil Decter and Heather Meitner of the Children's Research Center. Heather Meitner is familiar to many of you from a long series of trainings in individual counties and through Academy courses, including Family Meeting Facilitation and Safety Planning. Heather is a senior program specialist at the NCCD Children's Research Center. She works nationally with child welfare
organizations as a trainer and consultant on their implementation of strength
and safety-organized practice skills and their integration of those skills with
Structured Decision Making. Meitner is a licensed social worker residing in
Boston. She has worked in the human services and child welfare fields for 17
years in multiple capacities including direct service, management, training and
Additionally, the Family Meeting Facilitation course taking place Monday and Tuesday, April 9 and 10 at Putah Creek Lodge will again be co-instructed with Heather by Maryanne Rehberg and Veronica Piper-Jefferson.
If you are interested in registering for either of these trainings (space is still available!), please contact us or have your training coordinator enroll online.